Coexist together

We hope to
coexist together.

  • With The Manufacturers We are searching for the potential products which are valuable, and keep struggling to find the way how to connect the products to customers effectively. We will put an effort to find the proper solution making it lead to the growth.
  • With The Dealers The reason we can develop is that we cooperate with dealers.
    Based on the faith, we try to be precious partners by growing and developing together in balance.
  • With The Staffs Individual employees are valuable asset of company and their growth leads to the company’s growth as well. As a reliable partner, we will cooperate with employees to raise their level of satisfaction on their lives.

Performing social responsibility and obligation.

We fulfill the sustainable management by performing social responsibility and obligation.

Until the low-emission cars are commonly used. We have been aware of climate issue and it’s seriousness. Therefore, we are looking for the way how we can let our descendants to live in a better environment. As a way of practicing ourselves from the small thing, executives and staff members agreed to change all of the company business car into low-emission vehicle. We expect that this small action will bring more positive changes in the world.

Spending valuable time with customers. To achieve something on one's own strength can be a lonely and arduous task. That is why partnering with someone or working together holds greater significance and can serve as a driving force to go further. We aspire to be a company that contributes to society, not one driven solely by profit. Our goal is to have a small but positive impact, knowing that the modest acts of kindness we begin to practice may become a pillar of support and motivation for someone else.

The first step to be eco-friendly. To protect the environment, we use the eco-friendly packing materials instead of plastic air cap. Most of the companies make the cartons with their own design to promote and give the good impression to their customers. But those customized packages are just thrown away after once delivered rather than reused. To reduce the waste, we reuse the carton boxes that we received from other companies and it takes up about 50% of our delivery.

Also, we have distributed the diverse version of catalogues since 2001 to introduce our good products. Offering accurate and easy-to-understand information of various products is our mission. To be more meaningful,
we have started to manufacture catalogues using eco-friendly paper obtained with Eco Label.

Eco label proves eco-friendly and cost-effective products manufactured by using less energy and disposing lower pollutant by the nation.